

Male and Female students seated back to back while working on computers


For Students

Rose 2PlusID

If you are a Rose student taking classes for college credit, your Rose 2PlusID is created according to the following format:
First Name Initial + Last Name Initial + 7-digit Student ID Number

EXAMPLE: John Smith – Student ID is 0003418
Rose 2PlusID: JS0003418

Occasionally, the last name initial does not coincide with your current last name even if correctly updated in OASIS. If the proper initial does not work, try the last name initial of the name under which you were first admitted as a student at the college.

Learning Community & Orientation

All students have access to an online Learning Community course in Canvas which includes an orientation to the college and Canvas. Participation in the discussions, assignments, and quizzes in this course is entirely optional unless required by your individual instructor. Look for a message on your Canvas My Home page about this great resource! 

Class Attendance

If you are enrolled in a fully online class, it is critical that you log on to Canvas before the class begins and at least once every other day after the course begins. Online attendance is monitored and measured by timely completion of assignments. 

Logging In

For help with your Rose Canvas login, please see the Login Help for Students page.