

computer and desk in the newspaper office

Student Services

15th Street News

The Oklahoma Press Association and Oklahoma Collegiate Media Association award-winning newspaper provides you with campus, local and national news and entertainment, all from a local perspective. The campus newspaper prides itself on being the diverse voice of Rose State College. It is responsible for bringing you monthly newspapers and online content that can be found at 

The 15th Street News is located in Fine Arts, Room 110. We are always looking for potential story ideas, especially local people doing extraordinary things. If you have something you'd like to see covered, give us a call at (405) 733-7400. The student-run newspaper can also be contacted at If you are looking to advertise with us, please check out our advertisement package on the website or contact us for special deals we might have.

Those interested in volunteering can contact Professor Delaney-Nelson at

The 15th Street News is a designated public forum. The latest issue of the 15th Street News can be found on newsstands located near the exits in every campus building. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

