

student and counselor working together

Admissions & Records

Change Notice

Students may request that their demographic information including name, Social Security number, address, and phone number, be corrected or changed using the Change Notice form. The student should complete the sections on the form for the items that they need changed. The forms should be turned in to the Office of Admissions and Records for processing.

Name changes – additional instructions: In addition to completing and signing the change form, students also need to supply the supporting documentation for the name change. Legal documentation or proof of usage is required. Students should submit a copy of one of the following certified documents:

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Court Order
  • Dissolution (Divorce) Decree

If one of these items are not available, the student must provide proof of usage by providing at least two of the following items, at least one of which must have date of birth, a photograph, and a signature:

  • Social Security Card
  • Valid Driver License
  • Valid Passport
  • Original copy of citizenship form that contains the signature and photograph of the student
  • Original or certified Birth Certificate
  • Federally-recognized Indian tribe’s enrollment card or U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs identification card containing the signature and photograph of the student.

Documentation is also needed to add or remove a middle name. 

In Person: Bring your photo ID and documentation to the Office of Admissions and Records – Room 118 Student Union.

Fax: Send fax requests with necessary documentation to (405) 736-0309.

Mail: Send mail requests with necessary documentation to:

Rose State College
Office of Admissions and Records
6420 SE 15th Street
Midwest City, OK  73110-2799 


Use the Change Notice Form here.

Change of Major Form (PDF)