

student and counselor working together

Admissions & Records

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, require each postsecondary educational institution
to publish and make available to its students statements of policy which specify institutional intent in the following matters:
• Inform students annually of their rights.
• Permit students to inspect and review their education records.
• Provide a list of types and location of education records and the addresses of the officials responsible for those records.
• Inform students that no personally identifiable information from education records will be disclosed without their prior written consent except when prior written consent is not required by the FERPA.
• Inform students what institutional officials and other specified individuals to whom certain information may be released without obtaining prior written consent.
• Specify which items of information will be designated as public or Directory Information.
• Maintain records of requests for disclosure of personally identifiable information and permit students to review those records.
• Provide students an opportunity to seek amendment or correction of
education records.
Rose State College FERPA Policy
Release Form
Student Consent for Release of Education Information (PDF File)
Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information (PDF)