


Email Migration

Last Update

  • 7/21/22 - PAGE CREATED
  • 7/28/22 - DOCUMENTS ADDED
  • 8/2/22 - DOCUMENTS ADDED

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Purpose of Migration

We are modernizing our email service, while also bringing more features by moving our email to Microsoft Office365. What this entails is moving our current email system to the cloud. 

Now what does this mean for your access? Once migrated, you should be able to reboot your PC, relaunch outlook and sign in with your email address and network password (email address is to replace RSC\{USERNAME} or to replace {USERNAME} 

Now that we are in a new environment, you will no longer be able to access your email via, you will instead use:
And Click the “Outlook” Link on the left sidebar.


Once the steps outlined in this document are thoroughly followed, then you should have access to your email. 

Here are also some helpful documents to setup android or apple mobile devices: 

Change Logs

  • 7/21/22 - PAGE CREATED
  • 7/28/22 - Apple, Android, Desktop, and OWA instructions added
  • 8/2/22 - Instructions Revised/Replaced